Public Speaking
Pageant Speech Prep
According to multiple studies, public speaking often ranks in the top three fears for most people.
And when it comes to pageants, most young women will often tell you it is the area they worry most about when preparing for their competitions.
As a 20+ year professional speaker and corporate trainer, I have been blessed to present to audiences of all sizes in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. I absolutely love helping young women gain confidence and skills in the public speaking arena.
I offer two different coaching plans as follows:
Prepared Speech Plan -- $250 ($50 per session rate)
Five coaching sessions
Assistance in creating your speech
Coaching on delivery styles and techniques
Extemporaneous Speech Plan -- $350 ($35 per session rate)
Ten coaching sessions
Assistance in creating speech content (for several topics)
Coaching delivery techniques using prepared content
Below are just a few of the many clients who have won speech awards at their pageants, as well as a few videos of those speeches.

Eva Gaschler
Miss Teen Rodeo Kansas, 2022
-- Prepared Speech

Martina Holtkamp
2022 Speech Winner
Miss Rodeo Canada Pageant
-- Prepared Speech

Naomi Akkermans
2021 Speech Winner
Miss Rodeo Canada Pageant
-- Prepared Speech

Bailey Nachtigal
Miss Rodeo Washington, 2023
Speech Winner
-- Extemporaneous Speech

Rebecca Thornton
Speech Winner
Miss CPRA Pageant, 2022
-- Prepared Spech

Amber Cook
2022 Speech Winner
Miss Rodeo Colorado Pageant